Being of the Cornish persuasion, I like nothing more that nice slab of Clotted Cream Fudge. I have tried a few fudge recipes in the past, and although delicious, are not a spot on the one that I tried out yesterday. I tend to try and make Fudge so that my husband can take it to work and share it at 'crib'. However, it got left behind this morning... Guess I will have to make more for next week, as I don't think this batch will last the day, nevermind the weekend! Give it a try, I found it to be the simplest, quickest and easiest fudge recipe that I have tried. Also I have added the link to the original recipe and a video with Gizzie Erskine in the Recipe section. I will also add that in the recipe it states 1/2 tsp of Vanilla and Gizzie says 1 tbsp in the video, so I went on the safe side and just added 1/2 tbsp, and found it to be enough, but have a try and add more or less as you feel it needs it.
- 275g Golden Caster Sugar
- 100g Light Muscovado Sugar
- 225g Clotted Cream
- 1/2 tbsp Vanilla Extract
Firstly weight out all the ingredients and place in a large saucepan. Place on a gentle heat and allow all the ingredients to melt together and the sugars to full dissolve. Then turn up the heat and bring to the boil, cover with a lid and let simmer for 3 minutes. Now check the temperature with a sugar thermometer, it should be at 116c or soft ball. If needed allow to simmer with the lid off until it reaches soft ball. Remove from the heat and beat until the mixture becomes matt, thick and creamy. Pour into a greased 20cm tin and set aside to cool. Once fully cooled cut into chunks and store in an airtight container. And don't for get to leave one or two pieces out for quality control x
Great blog! :D
ReplyDeleteThe fudge has a crumbly texture :)